Michaels JA, Kashefi M, Zheng J, Codol O, Weiler J, Kersten R, Gribble PL, Diedrichsen J, Pruszynski JA (2024) Sensory expectations shape neural population dynamics in motor circuits. bioRxiv 2024.12.22.629295
Mangos N, Forgaard CJ, Gribble PL (2024) Durability of Motor Learning by Observing. J. Neurophysiol. 132(3):1025–1037
Codol O, Michaels JA, Kashefi M, Pruszynski JA, Gribble PL (2023) MotorNet: a Python toolbox for controlling differentiable biomechanical effectors with artificial neural networks. eLife 12:RP88591 — [pdf] — [GitHub repository] — [Documentation]
Codol O, Kashefi M, Forgaard CJ, Galea JM, Pruszynski JA, Gribble PL (2023) Sensorimotor feedback loops are selectively sensitive to reward. eLife 12:e81325 — [pdf]
Codol O, Gribble PL, Gurney KN (2022) Differential dopamine receptor-dependent sensitivity improves the switch between hard and soft selection in a model of the basal ganglia. Neural Computation 34:1588-1615
Popp NJ, Hernandez-Castillo CR, Gribble PL, Diedrichsen J (2022) The role of feedback in the production of skilled finger sequences. J. Neurophysiol. 127:829-839
Coltman SK, van Beers RJ, Medendorp PW, Gribble PL (2021) Sensitivity to Error During Visuomotor Adaptation is Similarly Modulated by Abrupt, Gradual and Random Perturbation Schedules. J. Neurophysiol. 126(3):934-945
Palidis DJ, McGregor HR, Vo A, MacDonald PA, Gribble PL (2021) Null effects of levodopa on reward- and error-based motor adaptation, savings, and anterograde interference. J. Neurophysiol. 126(1):47-67
Weiler J, Gribble PL, Pruszynski JA (2021) Spinal stretch reflexes support efficient control of reaching. J. Neurophysiol. 125:1339-47
Forgaard CJ, Reschechtko S, Gribble PL, Pruszynski JA (2021) Skin and muscle receptors shape coordinated fast feedback responses in the upper limb. Current Opinion in Physiology 20:198-205
Maeda RS, Zdybal J, Gribble PL, Pruszynski JA (2020) Explicit feedback and instruction do not change shoulder muscle activity reduction after shoulder fixation. bioRxiv preprint
Popp NJ, Yokoi A, Gribble PL, Diedrichsen J (2020) The effect of instruction on motor skill learning. J. Neurophysiol. 124:1449-57
Palidis DJ, Gribble PL (2020) EEG correlates of physical effort and reward processing during reinforcement learning. J. Neurophysiol. 124:610-22
Coltman SK, Gribble PL (2020) Time course of changes in the long latency feedback response parallels the fast process of short term motor adaptation. J. Neurophysiol. 124:388-399
Maeda RS, Gribble PL, Pruszynski JA (2020) Learning New Feedforward Motor Commands Based on Feedback Responses. Current Biology 30, 1-8
Maeda RS, Zdybal JM, Gribble PL, Pruszynski JA (2020) Generalizing movement patterns following shoulder fixation. J. Neurophysiol. 123(3):1193-1205
Ohashi H, Gribble PL, Ostry DJ (2019) Somatosensory cortical excitability changes precede those in motor cortex during human motor learning. J. Neurophysiol 122(4):1397-1405
Ohashi H, Valle-Mena R, Gribble PL, Ostry DJ (2019) Movements following force-field adaptation are aligned with altered perceptual boundaries. Exp. Brain Res. 237(5):1303-13
Coltman SK, Cashaback JGA, Gribble PL (2019) Both Fast and Slow Learning Processes Contribute to Savings Following Sensorimotor Adaptation. J. Neurophysiol. 121:1575-83
Palidis DJ, Cashaback JGA, Gribble PL (2019) Neural Signatures of Reward and Sensory Error Feedback Processing in Motor Learning. J. Neurophysiol. 121:1561-74
Weiler J, Gribble PL, Pruszynski JA (2019) Spinal stretch reflexes support efficient hand control. Nat. Neurosci. 22, 529–533
Cashaback JGA, Lao C, Palidis DJ, Coltman SK, McGregor HR, Gribble PL (2019) The Gradient of the Reinforcement Landscape Influences Sensorimotor Learning. PLoS Comput. Biol. 15, e1006839.
Gu C, Pruszynski JA, Gribble PL, Corneil B (2019) A rapid visuomotor response on the human upper limb is selectively influenced by implicit, but not explicit, motor learning. J. Neurophysiol. 121:85-95
McGregor HR, Cashaback JGA, Gribble PL (2018) Somatosensory Perceptual Training Enhances Motor Learning by Observing. J. Neurophysiol. 120:3017-25
Maeda RS, Cluff T, Gribble PL, Pruszynski JA (2018) Feedforward and feedback control share an internal model of the arm's dynamics. J. Neurosci. 38(49):10505-14
McGregor HR, Vesia M, Rinchon C, Chen R, Gribble PL (2018) Changes in corticospinal excitability associated with motor learning by observing. Exp. Brain Res. 236:2829-38
Gu C, Pruszynski JA, Gribble PL, Corneil BD (2017) Done in 100 ms: Path-dependent visuomotor transformation in the human upper limb. J. Neurophysiol. 119:1319-28
Weiler J, Gribble PL, Pruszynski JA (2017) Rapid feedback responses are flexibly coordinated across arm muscles to support goal-directed reaching. J. Neurophysiol. 119:537-47
Maeda R, Cluff T, Gribble PL, Pruszynski JA (2017) Compensating for intersegmental dynamics across the shoulder, elbow and wrist joints during feedforward and feedback control. J. Neurophysiol. 118:1984-97
Cashaback JG, McGregor HR, Mohatarem A, Gribble PL (2017) Dissociating Error-Based and Reinforcement-Based Loss Functions During Sensorimotor Learning. PLoS Comp. Biol. 13(7):e1005623
McGregor HR, Gribble PL (2017) Functional Connectivity Between Somatosensory and Motor Brain Areas Predicts Individual Differences in Motor Learning by Observing. J. Neurophysiol. 118(2):1235-43
Cashaback JG, McGregor HR, Pun HCH, Buckingham G, Gribble PL (2017) Does the Sensorimotor System Minimize Prediction Error or Select the Most Likely Prediction During Object Lifting? J. Neurophysiol. 117:260-74
Weiler J, Saravanamuttu J, Gribble PL, Pruszynski JA (2016) Coordinating long-latency stretch responses across the shoulder, elbow and wrist during goal-directed reaching. J. Neurophysiol. 116:2236-49
Gu C, Wood DK, Gribble PL, Corneil BD (2016) A Trial-by-Trial Window into Sensorimotor Transformations in the Human Motor Periphery. J. Neurosci. 36(31):8273-82
McGregor HR, Cashaback JG, Gribble PL (2016) Functional Plasticity in Somatosensory Cortex Supports Motor Learning by Observing. Current Biology 26(7):921-7. [Supplemental Information] [Erratum]
Wong JD, Bobbert MF, van Soest KAJ, Gribble PL, Kistemaker DA (2016) Optimizing the distribution of leg muscles for vertical jumping. PLoS ONE 11(2):e0150019, 2016
Ostry DJ, Gribble PL (2016) Sensory plasticity in human motor learning (review). Trends In Neurosciences 39(2):114-123
McGregor H, Gribble PL (2016) Observational Motor Learning. In Cross E & Obhi S (Eds.) Shared representations: Sensorimotor Foundations of Social Life. Cambridge University Press Social Neuroscience series, in press
Martin CB, Cowell RA, Gribble PL, Wright J, Köhler S (2015) Distributed category-specific recognition memory signals in human perirhinal cortex. Hippocampus 26:423-436
Weiler J, Gribble PL, Pruszynski JA (2015) Goal-dependent modulation of the long-latency stretch response at the shoulder, elbow and wrist. J. Neurophysiol. 114(6):3242-54
Wood DK, Gu C, Corneil BD, Gribble PL, Goodale MA (2015) Transient visual responses reset the phase of low-frequency oscillations in the skeletomotor periphery. Eur. J. Neurosci. 42:1919-32, 2015
McGregor HR, Gribble PL (2015) Changes in Visual and Sensory-Motor Resting-State Functional Connectivity Support Motor Learning by Observing. J. Neurophysiol. 114:677-88
Cashaback JGA, McGregor HR, Gribble PL (2015) The Human Motor System Alters Its Reaching Movement Plan for Task-Irrelevant, Positional Forces. J. Neurophysiol. 113:2137-49
Ramsay JO, Gribble PL, Kurket S (2014) Analysis of juggling data: Landmark and continuous registration of juggling trajectories. Electron. J. Statist. 8(2):1835-1841
Ramsay JO, Gribble PL, Kurket S (2014) Description and processing of functional data arising from juggling trajectories. Electron. J. Statist. 8(2):1811-1816
Kistemaker DA, Wong J, Gribble PL (2014) The cost of moving optimally: kinematic path selection. J. Neurophysiol. 112:1815-24
Wong JD, Wilson ET, Kistemaker DA, Gribble PL (2014) Bimanual proprioception: are two hands better than one? J. Neurophysiol. 111:1362-8
Buckingham G, Wong JD, Tang M, Gribble PL, Goodale MA (2014) Observing object lifting errors modulates cortico-spinal excitability and improves object lifting performance. Cortex 50:115-24.
Kistemaker DA, Van Soest AJ, Wong JD, Kurtzer I, Gribble PL (2013) Control of position and movement is simplified by combined muscle spindle and Golgi tendon organ feedback. J. Neurophysiol. 109:1126-39
Wong JD, Kistemaker DA, Chin A, Gribble PL (2012) Can proprioceptive training improve motor learning? J. Neurophysiol. 108:3313-3321
Williams A, Gribble PL (2012) Observed-Effector Independent Motor Learning by Observing. J. Neurophysiol. 107:1564-70
Goonetilleke SC, Gribble PL, Mirsattari SM, Doherty TJ, Corneil BD (2011) Neck muscle responses evoked by transcranial magnetic stimulation of the human frontal eye fields. Eur. J. Neurosci. 33:2155-67
Wong J, Wilson ET, Gribble PL (2011) Spatially Selective Enhancement of Proprioceptive Acuity Following Motor Learning. J. Neurophysiol. 105:2512-21
Hore J, Debicki DB, Gribble PL, Watts S (2011) Deliberate Utilization of Interaction Torques Brakes Elbow Extension in a Fast Throwing Motion. Exp. Brain Res. 211:63-72
Debicki DB, Gribble PL, Watts S, Hore J (2011) Wrist muscle activation, interaction torque and mechanical properties in unskilled throws of different speeds. Exp. Brain Res. 208(1):115-25
Kistemaker DA, Wong JD, Gribble PL (2010) The Central Nervous System does not minimize energy cost in arm movements. J. Neurophysiol. 104:2985-94
Wilson ET, Wong J, Gribble PL (2010) Mapping proprioception across a 2D horizontal workspace. PLoS ONE 5(7):e11851
Brown LE, Wilson ET, Obhi SS, Gribble PL (2010) Effect of trial order and error magnitude on motor learning by observing. J. Neurophysiol. 104(3):1409-16
Debicki DB, Watts S, Gribble PL, Hore J (2010) A novel shoulder-elbow mechanism for increasing speed in a multijoint arm movement. Exp. Brain Res. 203(3): 601-13
Ostry DJ, Darainy M, Mattar AA, Wong J, Gribble PL (2010) Somatosensory plasticity and motor learning. J. Neurosci. 30(15):5384-93
Malfait N, Valyear KF, Culham JC, Anton JL, Brown LE, Gribble PL (2010) fMRI activation during observation of others' reach errors. J. Cogn. Neurosci. 22(7):1493-503
Cothros N, Wong J, Gribble PL (2009) Visual cues signaling object grasp reduce interference in motor learning. J. Neurophysiol. 102(4):2112-20
Wong J, Wilson ET, Malfait N, Gribble PL (2009) Limb stiffness is modulated with spatial accuracy requirements during movement in the absence of destabilizing forces. J. Neurophysiol. 101(3):1542-9
Brown LE, Wilson ET, Gribble PL (2009) Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation to the primary motor cortex interferes with motor learning by observing. J. Cogn. Neurosci. 21(5):1013-22
Wong J, Wilson ET, Malfait N, Gribble PL (2009) The influence of visual perturbations on the neural control of limb stiffness. J. Neurophysiol. 101(1):246-57
Cothros N, Wong J, Gribble PL (2008) Distinct haptic cues do not reduce interference when learning to reach in multiple force fields. PLoS ONE 3(4): e1990
Malfait N, Henriques DY, Gribble PL (2008) Shape distortion produced by isolated mismatch between vision and proprioception. J. Neurophysiol. 99(1):231-43
Brown LE, Wilson ET, Goodale MA, Gribble PL (2007) Motor force field learning influences visual processing of target motion. J. Neurosci. 27(37):9975-83
Cothros N, Köhler S, Dickie EW, Mirsattari SM, Gribble PL (2006) Proactive interference as a result of persisting neural representations of previously learned motor skills in primary motor cortex. J. Cogn. Neurosci. 18(12):2167-76
Cothros N, Wong JD, Gribble PL (2006) Are there distinct neural representations of object and limb dynamics? Exp. Brain Res. 173(4):689-97
Mattar AA, Gribble PL (2005) Motor learning by observing. Neuron 46(1):153-60
Debicki DB, Gribble PL (2005) Persistence of inter-joint coupling during single-joint elbow flexions after shoulder fixation. Exp. Brain Res. 163(2):252-7
Malfait N, Gribble PL, Ostry DJ (2005) Generalization of motor learning based on multiple field exposures and local adaptation. J. Neurophysiol. 93(6):3327-38
Darainy M, Malfait N, Gribble PL, Towhidkhah F, Ostry DJ (2004) Learning to control arm stiffness under static conditions. J. Neurophysiol. 92(6):3344-50
Debicki DB, Gribble PL (2004) Inter-joint coupling strategy during adaptation to novel viscous loads in human arm movement. J. Neurophysiol. 92(2):754-65
Debicki DB, Gribble PL, Watts S, Hore J (2004) Kinematics of wrist joint flexion in overarm throws made by skilled subjects. Exp. Brain Res. 154(3):382-94
Graham KM, Moore KD, Cabel DW, Gribble PL, Cisek P, Scott SH (2003) Kinematics and kinetics of multijoint reaching in nonhuman primates. J. Neurophysiol. 89(5):2667-77
Gribble PL, Mullin LI, Cothros N, Mattar A (2003) Role of cocontraction in arm movement accuracy. J. Neurophysiol. 89(5):2396-405
Gribble PL, Everling S, Ford K, Mattar A (2002) Hand-eye coordination for rapid pointing movements. Arm movement direction and distance are specified prior to saccade onset. Exp Brain Res 145(3):372-82
Gribble PL, Scott SH (2002) Overlap of internal models in motor cortex for mechanical loads during reaching. Nature 417(6892):938-41 [supplementary information]
Gribble PL, Scott SH (2002) Method for assessing directional characteristics of non-uniformly sampled neural activity. J. Neurosci. Meth. 113(2):187-97.
Scott SH, Gribble PL, Graham KM, Cabel DW (2001) Dissociation between hand motion and population vectors from neural activity in motor cortex. Nature 413(6852):161-5 [supplementary information]
Suzuki M, Shiller DM, Gribble PL, Ostry DJ (2001) Relationship between cocontraction, movement kinematics and phasic muscle activity in single-joint arm movement. Exp. Brain Res. 140(2):171-81
Shiller DM, Ostry DJ, Gribble PL, Laboissière R (2001) Compensation for the effects of head acceleration on jaw movement in speech. J. Neurosci. 21(16):6447-56
Gribble PL, Ostry DJ (2000) Compensation for loads during arm movements using equilibrium-point control. Exp. Brain Res. 135(4):474-82
Gribble PL, Ostry DJ (1999) Compensation for interaction torques during single- and multijoint limb movement. J. Neurophysiol. 82(5):2310-26
Shiller DM, Ostry DJ, Gribble PL (1999) Effects of gravitational load on jaw movements in speech. J. Neurosci. 19(20):9073-80
Ramsay JO, Gribble P (1999). Functional data analysis in action. Proceedings of the American Statistical Association 30-36.
Gribble PL, Ostry DJ (1998) Independent coactivation of shoulder and elbow muscles. Exp. Brain Res. 123(3):355-60
Feldman AG, Ostry DJ, Levin MF, Gribble PL, Mitnitski AB (1998) Recent tests of the equilibrium-point hypothesis (lambda model). Motor Control 2(3):189-205
Gribble PL, Ostry DJ, Sanguineti V, Laboissière R (1998) Are complex control signals required for human arm movement? J. Neurophysiol. 79(3):1409-24
Ostry DJ, Vatikiotis-Bateson E, Gribble PL (1997) An examination of the degrees of freedom of human jaw motion in speech and mastication. J. Speech Lang. Hear. Res. 40(6):1341-51
Ostry DJ, Gribble PL, Levin MF, Feldman AG (1997) Phasic and tonic stretch reflexes in muscles with few muscle spindles: human jaw-opener muscles. Exp. Brain Res. 116(2):299-308
Gribble PL, Ostry DJ (1996) Origins of the power law relation between movement velocity and curvature: modeling the effects of muscle mechanics and limb dynamics. J. Neurophysiol. 76(5):2853-60
Ostry DJ, Gribble PL, Gracco VL (1996) Coarticulation of jaw movements in speech production: is context sensitivity in speech kinematics centrally planned? J. Neurosci. 16(4):1570-9
Munhall KG, Gribble P, Sacco L, Ward M (1996) Temporal Constraints on the McGurk Effect. Perception and Psychophysics 58(3):351-362
Ostry DJ, Laboissière R, Gribble PL (1995) Command Invariance and the Frame of Reference for Human Movement. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18(4):770-772