
  1. temperature conversion
  2. calculate the height of a ball
  3. cooking the perfect egg
  4. sum of the first 10 positive integers
  5. temperature conversion table
  6. sum of the first n positive integers
  7. newton's method for square root
  8. primality test
  9. Fibonacci numbers
  10. Numerical Differentiation
  11. estimate pi using monte carlo method
  12. mean of a vector
  13. variance of a vector
  14. linear regression
  15. XOR decryption
  16. opening a .csv file
  17. opening an Excel file
  18. opening a JPEG image file
  19. line plot
  20. bar plot
  21. multiline plot
  22. scatterplot
  23. subplots
  24. histograms
  25. line of best fit
  26. surface plot
  27. cost landscapes
  28. curve fitting
  29. local minima
  30. egg carton
  31. Spectrum of a signal
  32. Scoring kinematics
  33. high-pass filter
  34. band-pass filter
  35. band-stop filter
  36. estimate your heart rate using your webcam or smartphone
  37. parallel for loop
  38. parallel bootstrap

Paul Gribble | fall 2014
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
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