- temperature conversion
- calculate the height of a ball
- cooking the perfect egg
- sum of the first 10 positive integers
- temperature conversion table
- sum of the first n positive integers
- newton's method for square root
- primality test
- Fibonacci numbers
- Numerical Differentiation
- estimate pi using monte carlo method
- mean of a vector
- variance of a vector
- linear regression
- XOR decryption
- opening a .csv file
- opening an Excel file
- opening a JPEG image file
- line plot
- bar plot
- multiline plot
- scatterplot
- subplots
- histograms
- line of best fit
- surface plot
- cost landscapes
- curve fitting
- local minima
- egg carton
- Spectrum of a signal
- Scoring kinematics
- high-pass filter
- band-pass filter
- band-stop filter
- estimate your heart rate using your webcam or smartphone
- parallel for loop
- parallel bootstrap