20  Lab Meetings

Sometimes we have a regular lab meeting “just us” (just the Gribble Lab). Whether this is happening or not depends on the season, on my teaching load, and on the composition of the lab. You should regard attendance at these as mandatory, unless you have a class that is scheduled in conflict.

Sometimes we also attend the Pruszynski lab meeting, or the Diedrichsen lab meeting, depending upon who is presenting and what is being presented. We should regard the three labs as one cohesive unit, and we should feel free to attend each other’s lab meetings optionally when there is something of interest being presented.

We also meet together with the Pruszynski lab and the Diedrichsen lab for a shared “superlab” meeting & journal club. The exact time & location may change from year to year. You should regard attendance at these as mandatory, unless you have a class that is scheduled in conflict.

Lab meetings (shared and on our own) are a great opportunity to get feedback and constructive criticism on new or ongoing projects, in a supportive and safe environment. Reading and discussing papers outside of one’s specialty is a good thing, it helps to broaden your perspective and it can result in new ideas.