1  Contact Information

1.1 Me (Paul Gribble)

  • My office is WIRB 4122
  • Our lab rooms are WIRB 3141, 3133, and 2108
  • My office phone is (519) 661-2111 x82237
  • The lab phone (located in WIRB 3141) is (519) 661-2111 x86185
  • the Gribble Lab website: https://www.gribblelab.org
  • my email is pgribble [at] uwo [dot] ca
  • the fastest way to reach me is probably on the superlab Slack

1.2 WIRB Staff

1.2.1 Denise Soanes (Administrative Officer)

1.2.2 Haitao Yang (Computer System Administrator)

1.2.3 Derek Quinlan (Research Facility Manager)