1 Contact Information
1.1 Me (Paul Gribble)
- My office is WIRB 4122
- Our lab rooms are WIRB 3141, 3133, and 2108
- My office phone is (519) 661-2111 x82237
- The lab phone (located in WIRB 3141) is (519) 661-2111 x86185
- the Gribble Lab website: https://www.gribblelab.org
- my email is pgribble [at] uwo [dot] ca
- the fastest way to reach me is probably on the superlab Slack
1.2 WIRB Staff
1.2.1 Denise Soanes (Administrative Officer)
- email:
[email protected]
- office: WIRB 3190
- phone: extension 86057
1.2.2 Haitao Yang (Computer System Administrator)
- email:
[email protected]
- office: WIRB 3176
- phone: extension 82736
1.2.3 Derek Quinlan (Research Facility Manager)
- email:
[email protected]
- office: WIRB 3178
- phone: extension 87988