2  Contacting Me

During the regular term I am generally around all the time and available to chat. If I’m not in my office, get in touch on Slack or on email. If you would like to talk for more than a couple of minutes, please schedule a time with me. My response time on Slack and on email is generally very fast, although on weekends and outside of work hours (i.e. between 5:00 pm and 9:00 am) it can be slower. During weekends and holidays I am not on campus. During these times I’m available electronically but my repsonse time may be slow. For anything urgent please don’t hesitate to contact me including on my mobile phone number, which you can ask me for. During the summer when my kids are home from school (mid-June through August) I will not be in the lab all day every day. Some days I will be in for a while and other days I may not be, depending on my kids’ schedule. I am available electronically so please get in touch when you need to. I will do my best in the summer months to set up regular meetings, either in person or electronically, so that we can together make sure your work is progressing.