Python Software
- Python download
- NumPy for numerical computing in Python
- Matplotlib for visualization with Python
- pandas for tabular data analysis and manipulation in Python
- Visual Studio Code text editor / IDE
Python Tutorials & Guides
- a Python installation guide
- Python for Data Analysis (2nd Ed) by Wes McKinney
- Think Python (3rd Ed) by Allen B. Downey
- Real Python tutorials
- a venv primer
- pandas cookbook by Julia Evans
Other Resources
- Software Carpentry Lessons on topics like the Unix Shell, Version control with Git, Python, R, and more
- Modern Plain Text Computing by Dr. Kieran Healy
- Office vs Engineering models of work
- The Beauty of LaTeX page
- Change, Technically podcast by Dr. Ashley Juavinett & Dr. Cat Hicks
- writing clean code by Dr. Jörn Diedrichsen
- Good Research Code Handbook by Dr. Patrick Mineault
- Wizard Zines by Julia Evans
- a debugging manifesto pdf comic by Julia Evans
- Holding a Program in One’s Head by Paul Graham
- Reproducibility and Replicability in Science (2019) book
Paul’s notes
- Digital representation of data
- Control flow & Complex data types
- Functions, File input & output
- NumPy & Matplotlib
- Sampling & Frequency Representation of Data
- Optimization
- Parametric Statistical Tests
- Resampling, Bootstrapping, & Cross-Validation
- Maximum likelihood estimation (MLE)
- Simulating dynamical systems I
- Simulating dynamical systems II