Temperature Table

Temperatures in units of Fahrenheit (F) can be converted to units of Celsius (C) using the following equation:

C = \frac{5(F-32)}{9}

Some people use an approximate formula for quickly converting Fahrenheit (F) to Celsius (C):

C \approx \hat{C} = \frac{(F-30)}{2}

Write a program that prints three columns: F, C and the approximate value of \hat{C}. The table should print for values of F from 0 to 100, in steps of 10 degrees, each to two decimal places. The output should be formatted precisely as shown below.

Your program output should look like this:

Fahrenheit Celsius  C_hat
---------- ------- ------
      0.00  -17.78 -15.00
     10.00  -12.22 -10.00
     20.00   -6.67  -5.00
     30.00   -1.11   0.00
     40.00    4.44   5.00
     50.00   10.00  10.00
     60.00   15.56  15.00
     70.00   21.11  20.00
     80.00   26.67  25.00
     90.00   32.22  30.00
    100.00   37.78  35.00

Bonus Challenge

  • Modify your program so that it’s easy to change the step size from 10 degrees to some other value (e.g. steps of 20 degrees, or steps of 1 degree) and have the table print out properly.