
Psychology 2812B FW23

Midterm Exam

The midterm exam will cover the material from weeks 1 through 5 inclusive. Week 6 (Oneway ANOVA & the GLM) will not be tested on the midterm exam.

You are allowed one cheat sheet for the midterm exam. Your cheat sheet may include any course material that you think will help you on the exam and you may use both the front and back sides. Your cheat sheet may not include more than a single piece of letter-sized paper and all your notes must be entirely handwritten.

The midterm exam will take place in regular class time in the regular lecture location, on Feb 28, 2024.

Midterm Make-up Exam

There will be no midterm make-up exam.

Instead, if you have an approved (by academic counselling) consideration for the midterm, you will receive a midterm score based on the items on the final exam that cover the same content as the midterm. Your proportion correct on these items will be used to calculate a midterm exam score for you. Your final exam score will then be calculated based on the proportion of items you get correct that cover content from the second part of the course.

Midterm Sample Questions

Final Exam

The final exam will be cumulative and cover material from the entire course.

You are allowed one cheat sheet for the final exam. Your cheat sheet may include any course material that you think will help you on the exam and you may use both the front and back sides. Your cheat sheet may not include more than a single piece of letter-sized paper and all your notes must be entirely handwritten.

  • date: Saturday April 20
  • time: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
  • location: UCC 146

Final Make-up Exam

  • date: Thursday May 9, 2024
  • time: 9:15 am – 12:15 pm OR 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm (depending upon how many slots of left)
  • location: SSC 7405

Final Exam Sample Questions