
Lab accounts

Ask Paul to set you up with accounts on:

  1. The lab Slack at sensorimotor.slack.com—this is what we use for intra-lab (and inter-lab among the sensorimotor superlab) communication instead of email

  2. Our local file server (toro) for on-site long-term archive of data, documents, and code

External Services

  1. Sign up for a GitHub account to maintain your data analysis & experiment code

  2. Ask Paul to add you to the Gribble Lab GitHub organization

  3. Sign up for a cloud-based account to maintain your own backup of your data (something like Dropbox, OneDrive, Google Drive, etc)


  1. Ask Denise Soanes to set you up with swipe-card access to the WIRB security doors (you will need your Western ID card).

  2. Ask Haitao Yang to set you up with an account on the calendar booking system for WIRB meeting rooms and labs https://bmicalendar.ssc.uwo.ca

Install Software

  1. Install MATLAB (and if you like, Python)

  2. Install the KINARM Analysis Scripts for MATLAB

  3. Install Dexterit-E Explorer

  4. Have a look at the MATLAB Documentation site, and go through some online tutorials, e.g. MATLAB OnRamp and Getting Started with MATLAB.

Western Research Ethics

  1. Register on the Western Research Ethics website using your @uwo.ca email address

  2. Complete a TCPS 2 CORE certification and save the e-certificate (you’ll need it later for uwo research ethics)