Probability Distributions in R

Four functions are associated with each probability distribution in R. Each distribution has a root name—e.g. for the normal (gaussian) distribution the root name is =norm=. The root name is then prefixed by a single letter which denotes one of the four functions listed below:

So for example for the gaussian (normal) distribution, these are pnorm(), qnorm(), dnorm() and rnorm().

For the binomial distribution, these are pbinom(), qbinom(), dbinom(), and rbinom(), and so on for other distributions.

So for example if you want to know what the probability is of obtaining a score greater than or equal to 130, from a normal distribution with mean 100 and sd 15, you would use the pnorm() function:

## [1] 0.02275013

Or say you want to know what the score would be associated with the 75th percentile of such a distribution—you would use qnorm():

## [1] 110.1173

Or say you wanted to sample 10 values from such a distribution—you would use rnorm():

##  [1]  78.48105  69.86426  67.17385 111.41268  93.57777 128.30496 105.45576
##  [8]  64.55692 105.20694  82.04694

Functions in R

A function for computing confidence intervals and an example of its use:

myCI <- function(Y, prob=0.95) {
    m <- mean(Y)
  ptmp <- 1 - ((1-prob)/2)
    tcrit <- qt(ptmp, df=length(Y)-1, lower.tail=TRUE)
    se <- tcrit*sd(Y)/sqrt(length(Y))
    out <- c(m-se, m+se)

Y <- c(2,4,3,5,4)
ci <- myCI(Y, prob=0.95)
## [1] 2.184285 5.015715

Monte-Carlo Simulations of Type-I Error

N <- 10         # sample size of each group
nsims <- 5000       # number of simulated experiments
alpha <- 0.05       # our chosen alpha level

type1 <- 0      # initialize running total of type-I errors to zero

for (i in 1:nsims) {
  # generate two random samples of data from the SAME population
  g1 <- rnorm(N,0,1) # sample from a normal distribution mean 0 and sd 1
    g2 <- rnorm(N,0,1) # sample from a normal distribution mean 0 and sd 1
  # now perform a t-test of difference between means
  myresult <- t.test(g1,g2,var.equal=TRUE)
    p <- myresult$p.value   # extract the p-value
  # is obtained p-value below our alpha level?
    # if so, this is a Type-I error
  if ( p < .05 ) {
        type1 <- type1 + 1 # if p < .05 then we've made a type-I error

paste("There were",type1,"Type-I errors out of",nsims,"(",type1/nsims*100,"% )")
## [1] "There were 226 Type-I errors out of 5000 ( 4.52 % )"

Monte-Carlo Simulations for estimating Statistical Power

# simulations for computing statistical power

N <- 10                 # sample size of each group
nsims <- 5000           # number of simulated experiments
alpha <- 0.05           # our chosen alpha level

type2 <- 0              # initialize running total of type-II errors to zero

for (i in 1:nsims) {

    # generate two random samples of data from different populations
    g1 <- rnorm(N,100,15) # Control group
    g2 <- rnorm(N,115,15) # magic IQ-boosting treatment

    # now perform a t-test of difference between means
    myresult <- t.test(g1,g2,var.equal=TRUE)
    p <- myresult$p.value   # extract the p-value

    # is obtained p-value below our alpha level?
    # if so, this is a Type-I error
    if ( p >= alpha ) {
        type2 <- type2 + 1 # if p >= alpha then we've made a type-II error

(stat_power <- (nsims-type2)/nsims)
## [1] 0.5742

Monte-Carlo Simulations showing Type-I Error for Planned vs Post-Hoc Comparisons

Assume 3 groups

nreps <- 5000     # number of simulated experiments
n <- 10           # number of subjects per group
mupop <- 100      # population mean
sigmapop <- 30  # population sd
alpha <- 0.05     # our chosen alpha level for rejecting H0

# setup grouping variable
grp <- as.factor(c(rep("a",n),rep("b",n),rep("c",n)))

errPL <- 0              # type-I errors planned comps
errPH <- 0              # type-I errors chase biggest difference
gd <- rbind(c(1,2), c(1,3), c(2,3)) # ordering of difference tests
stime <- system.time({
for (i in 1:nreps)
    if ( (i %% 1000) == 0 ) {
        cat(i, "sims done so far\n")
    # randomly sample three groups from same population
    g1 <- rnorm(n, mupop, sigmapop);
    g2 <- rnorm(n, mupop, sigmapop);
    g3 <- rnorm(n, mupop, sigmapop);

    dv <- c(g1,g2,g3)
    allg <- cbind(g1,g2,g3)

    # perform single factor between subjects anova
    aov.mod <- aov(dv ~ grp)
    aov.sum <- summary(aov.mod)
    p.val <- aov.sum[[1]]$"Pr(>F)"[1] # extract p-value
    msw <- aov.sum[[1]]$"Mean Sq"[2] # mean-square within
    dfdenom <- aov.sum[[1]]$"Df"[2]

    # precompute differences between means
    g12 <- mean(g1)-mean(g2)
    g13 <- mean(g1)-mean(g3)
    g23 <- mean(g2)-mean(g3)
    gdiffs <- c(g12,g13,g23)
    # planned comparisons
    # always test (g1 vs g2) and (g1 vs g3) 
    # if omnibus anova is significant
    pcomp <- c()
    if (p.val < alpha) # if omnibus anova was significant
        # test g1 vs g2
        Fcomp <- n*((g12)^2) / (2*msw)
        pcomp <- pf(Fcomp, 1, dfdenom, lower.tail=FALSE) 
        # count errors
        errPL <- errPL + (pcomp < alpha);
        # test g1 vs g3
        Fcomp <- n*((g13)^2) / (2*msw)
        pcomp <- pf(Fcomp, 1, dfdenom, lower.tail=FALSE) 
        # count errors
        errPL <- errPL + (pcomp < alpha);

    # posthoc comparison
    # test the two biggest pairwise differences observed
    gdiffsS <- sort(abs(gdiffs), decreasing=TRUE, index.return=TRUE)
    # choose biggest difference
    pcomp <- c()
    if (p.val < alpha) # if omnibus anova was significant
        # test biggest difference
        Fcomp <- n*((gdiffsS$x[1])^2) / (2*msw)
        pcomp <- pf(Fcomp, 1, dfdenom, lower.tail=FALSE) 
        # count errors
        errPH <- errPH + (pcomp < (alpha));
        # test second biggest difference
        Fcomp <- n*((gdiffsS$x[2])^2) / (2*msw)
        pcomp <- pf(Fcomp, 1, dfdenom, lower.tail=FALSE) 
        # count errors
        errPH <- errPH + (pcomp < (alpha)); 
## 1000 sims done so far
## 2000 sims done so far
## 3000 sims done so far
## 4000 sims done so far
## 5000 sims done so far
cat("errPL=",errPL/nreps,"; errPH=",errPH/nreps,"\n")
## errPL= 0.0522 ; errPH= 0.077
##    user  system elapsed 
##   8.150   0.028   8.181

Assume 5 groups

nreps <- 5000     # number of simulated experiments
n <- 10           # number of subjects per group
mupop <- 100      # population mean
sigmapop <- 30  # population sd
alpha <- 0.05   # our chosen alpha level for rejecting H0

# setup grouping variable
grp <- as.factor(c(rep("a",n),rep("b",n),rep("c",n),rep("d",n),rep("e",n)))

errPL <- 0              # type-I errors planned comps
errPH <- 0              # type-I errors chase biggest difference
# ordering of difference tests
gd <- rbind(c(1,2), c(1,3), c(1,4), c(1,5), 
            c(2,3), c(2,4), c(2,5), c(3,4), c(3,5), c(4,5))
stime <- system.time({
for (i in 1:nreps)
    if ( (i %% 1000) == 0 ) {
        cat(i, "sims done so far\n")
    # randomly sample three groups from same population
    g1 <- rnorm(n, mupop, sigmapop);
    g2 <- rnorm(n, mupop, sigmapop);
    g3 <- rnorm(n, mupop, sigmapop);
    g4 <- rnorm(n, mupop, sigmapop);
    g5 <- rnorm(n, mupop, sigmapop);

    dv <- c(g1,g2,g3,g4,g5)
    allg <- cbind(g1,g2,g3,g4,g5)

    # perform single factor between subjects anova
    aov.mod <- aov(dv ~ grp)
    aov.sum <- summary(aov.mod)
    p.val <- aov.sum[[1]]$"Pr(>F)"[1] # extract p-value
    msw <- aov.sum[[1]]$"Mean Sq"[2] # mean-square within
    dfdenom <- aov.sum[[1]]$"Df"[2]

    # precompute differences between means
    g12 <- mean(g1)-mean(g2)
    g13 <- mean(g1)-mean(g3)
    g14 <- mean(g1)-mean(g4)
    g15 <- mean(g1)-mean(g5)
    g23 <- mean(g2)-mean(g3)
    g24 <- mean(g2)-mean(g4)
    g25 <- mean(g2)-mean(g5)
    g34 <- mean(g3)-mean(g4)
    g35 <- mean(g3)-mean(g5)
    g45 <- mean(g4)-mean(g5)

    gdiffs <- c(g12,g13,g14,g15,g23,g24,g25,g34,g35,g45)
    # planned comparisons
    # always test (g1 vs g2) and (g1 vs g3) 
    # if omnibus anova is significant
    pcomp <- c()
    if (p.val < alpha) # if omnibus anova was significant
        # test g1 vs g2
        Fcomp <- n*((g12)^2) / (2*msw)
        pcomp <- pf(Fcomp, 1, dfdenom, lower.tail=FALSE) 
        # count errors
        errPL <- errPL + (pcomp < alpha);
        # test g1 vs g3
        Fcomp <- n*((g13)^2) / (2*msw)
        pcomp <- pf(Fcomp, 1, dfdenom, lower.tail=FALSE) 
        # count errors
        errPL <- errPL + (pcomp < alpha);

    # posthoc comparison
    # test the two biggest pairwise differences observed
    gdiffsS <- sort(abs(gdiffs), decreasing=TRUE, index.return=TRUE)
    # choose biggest difference
    pcomp <- c()
    if (p.val < alpha) # if omnibus anova was significant
        # test biggest difference
        Fcomp <- n*((gdiffsS$x[1])^2) / (2*msw)
        pcomp <- pf(Fcomp, 1, dfdenom, lower.tail=FALSE) 
        # count errors
        errPH <- errPH + (pcomp < (alpha));
        # test second biggest difference
        Fcomp <- n*((gdiffsS$x[2])^2) / (2*msw)
        pcomp <- pf(Fcomp, 1, dfdenom, lower.tail=FALSE) 
        # count errors
        errPH <- errPH + (pcomp < (alpha)); 
## 1000 sims done so far
## 2000 sims done so far
## 3000 sims done so far
## 4000 sims done so far
## 5000 sims done so far
cat("errPL=",errPL/nreps,"; errPH=",errPH/nreps,"\n")
## errPL= 0.0252 ; errPH= 0.0896
##    user  system elapsed 
##   8.666   0.025   8.695

Multiple Comparisons

# some data

Fac <- factor(c(rep("A",5),rep("B",5),rep("C",5)))
DV <- c(2,3,2,4,2,3,2,4,5,4,6,4,4,5,8)

myaov <- anova(lm(DV ~ Fac))
## Analysis of Variance Table
## Response: DV
##           Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value  Pr(>F)  
## Fac        2 20.133 10.0667  6.1633 0.01441 *
## Residuals 12 19.600  1.6333                  
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
# perform follow up test comparing individual means
# e.g. B vs C
# First do it using the usual F ratio for comparisons
# this uses the error term from the anova
# get df and error term from anova table

dfnum <- 1 # because we are doing a pairwise test between 2 means
dfdenom <- myaov$Df[2]
mserr <- myaov$"Mean Sq"[2]
n <- 5 # subjects per group
a <- 3 # number of groups

mA <- mean(DV[Fac=="A"]) # mean of A
mB <- mean(DV[Fac=="B"]) # mean of B
mC <- mean(DV[Fac=="C"]) # mean of C
sscomp <- (mB-mC)^2 # ss comparison
(Fcomp <- (n*sscomp/2) / (mserr)) # Fobs for comparison
## [1] 4.959184
(pcomp <- pf(Fcomp, dfnum, dfdenom, lower.tail=FALSE)) 
## [1] 0.045864
# note this is uncorrected for type-I error
# Let's do a Tukey test

qobs <- sqrt(2*Fcomp) # compute q value
# df for q are (a,(a-1)(n-1))
(pt <- ptukey(q=qobs, nmeans=a, df=(a-1)*(n-1), lower.tail=FALSE))
## [1] 0.1259857
# R can do Tukey tests for us:
(TukeyHSD(aov(DV ~ Fac)))
##   Tukey multiple comparisons of means
##     95% family-wise confidence level
## Fit: aov(formula = DV ~ Fac)
## $Fac
##     diff        lwr      upr     p adj
## B-A  1.0 -1.1564085 3.156409 0.4551313
## C-A  2.8  0.6435915 4.956409 0.0120491
## C-B  1.8 -0.3564085 3.956409 0.1066773