Four functions are associated with each probability distribution in R. Each distribution has a root name—e.g. for the normal (gaussian) distribution the root name is =norm=. The root name is then prefixed by a single letter which denotes one of the four functions listed below:
: probability—the cumulative distribution function (cdf)q
: quantile—the inverse cdfd
: density—the density function (pdf)r
: random—a random variable drawn from the specified distributionSo for example for the gaussian (normal) distribution, these are pnorm()
, qnorm()
, dnorm()
and rnorm()
For the binomial distribution, these are pbinom()
, qbinom()
, dbinom()
, and rbinom()
, and so on for other distributions.
So for example if you want to know what the probability is of obtaining a score greater than or equal to 130, from a normal distribution with mean 100 and sd 15, you would use the pnorm()
## [1] 0.02275013
Or say you want to know what the score would be associated with the 75th percentile of such a distribution—you would use qnorm()
## [1] 110.1173
Or say you wanted to sample 10 values from such a distribution—you would use rnorm()
## [1] 78.48105 69.86426 67.17385 111.41268 93.57777 128.30496 105.45576
## [8] 64.55692 105.20694 82.04694
A function for computing confidence intervals and an example of its use:
myCI <- function(Y, prob=0.95) {
m <- mean(Y)
ptmp <- 1 - ((1-prob)/2)
tcrit <- qt(ptmp, df=length(Y)-1, lower.tail=TRUE)
se <- tcrit*sd(Y)/sqrt(length(Y))
out <- c(m-se, m+se)
Y <- c(2,4,3,5,4)
ci <- myCI(Y, prob=0.95)
## [1] 2.184285 5.015715
N <- 10 # sample size of each group
nsims <- 5000 # number of simulated experiments
alpha <- 0.05 # our chosen alpha level
type1 <- 0 # initialize running total of type-I errors to zero
for (i in 1:nsims) {
# generate two random samples of data from the SAME population
g1 <- rnorm(N,0,1) # sample from a normal distribution mean 0 and sd 1
g2 <- rnorm(N,0,1) # sample from a normal distribution mean 0 and sd 1
# now perform a t-test of difference between means
myresult <- t.test(g1,g2,var.equal=TRUE)
p <- myresult$p.value # extract the p-value
# is obtained p-value below our alpha level?
# if so, this is a Type-I error
if ( p < .05 ) {
type1 <- type1 + 1 # if p < .05 then we've made a type-I error
paste("There were",type1,"Type-I errors out of",nsims,"(",type1/nsims*100,"% )")
## [1] "There were 226 Type-I errors out of 5000 ( 4.52 % )"
# simulations for computing statistical power
N <- 10 # sample size of each group
nsims <- 5000 # number of simulated experiments
alpha <- 0.05 # our chosen alpha level
type2 <- 0 # initialize running total of type-II errors to zero
for (i in 1:nsims) {
# generate two random samples of data from different populations
g1 <- rnorm(N,100,15) # Control group
g2 <- rnorm(N,115,15) # magic IQ-boosting treatment
# now perform a t-test of difference between means
myresult <- t.test(g1,g2,var.equal=TRUE)
p <- myresult$p.value # extract the p-value
# is obtained p-value below our alpha level?
# if so, this is a Type-I error
if ( p >= alpha ) {
type2 <- type2 + 1 # if p >= alpha then we've made a type-II error
(stat_power <- (nsims-type2)/nsims)
## [1] 0.5742
nreps <- 5000 # number of simulated experiments
n <- 10 # number of subjects per group
mupop <- 100 # population mean
sigmapop <- 30 # population sd
alpha <- 0.05 # our chosen alpha level for rejecting H0
# setup grouping variable
grp <- as.factor(c(rep("a",n),rep("b",n),rep("c",n)))
errPL <- 0 # type-I errors planned comps
errPH <- 0 # type-I errors chase biggest difference
gd <- rbind(c(1,2), c(1,3), c(2,3)) # ordering of difference tests
stime <- system.time({
for (i in 1:nreps)
if ( (i %% 1000) == 0 ) {
cat(i, "sims done so far\n")
# randomly sample three groups from same population
g1 <- rnorm(n, mupop, sigmapop);
g2 <- rnorm(n, mupop, sigmapop);
g3 <- rnorm(n, mupop, sigmapop);
dv <- c(g1,g2,g3)
allg <- cbind(g1,g2,g3)
# perform single factor between subjects anova
aov.mod <- aov(dv ~ grp)
aov.sum <- summary(aov.mod)
p.val <- aov.sum[[1]]$"Pr(>F)"[1] # extract p-value
msw <- aov.sum[[1]]$"Mean Sq"[2] # mean-square within
dfdenom <- aov.sum[[1]]$"Df"[2]
# precompute differences between means
g12 <- mean(g1)-mean(g2)
g13 <- mean(g1)-mean(g3)
g23 <- mean(g2)-mean(g3)
gdiffs <- c(g12,g13,g23)
# planned comparisons
# always test (g1 vs g2) and (g1 vs g3)
# if omnibus anova is significant
pcomp <- c()
if (p.val < alpha) # if omnibus anova was significant
# test g1 vs g2
Fcomp <- n*((g12)^2) / (2*msw)
pcomp <- pf(Fcomp, 1, dfdenom, lower.tail=FALSE)
# count errors
errPL <- errPL + (pcomp < alpha);
# test g1 vs g3
Fcomp <- n*((g13)^2) / (2*msw)
pcomp <- pf(Fcomp, 1, dfdenom, lower.tail=FALSE)
# count errors
errPL <- errPL + (pcomp < alpha);
# posthoc comparison
# test the two biggest pairwise differences observed
gdiffsS <- sort(abs(gdiffs), decreasing=TRUE, index.return=TRUE)
# choose biggest difference
pcomp <- c()
if (p.val < alpha) # if omnibus anova was significant
# test biggest difference
Fcomp <- n*((gdiffsS$x[1])^2) / (2*msw)
pcomp <- pf(Fcomp, 1, dfdenom, lower.tail=FALSE)
# count errors
errPH <- errPH + (pcomp < (alpha));
# test second biggest difference
Fcomp <- n*((gdiffsS$x[2])^2) / (2*msw)
pcomp <- pf(Fcomp, 1, dfdenom, lower.tail=FALSE)
# count errors
errPH <- errPH + (pcomp < (alpha));
## 1000 sims done so far
## 2000 sims done so far
## 3000 sims done so far
## 4000 sims done so far
## 5000 sims done so far
cat("errPL=",errPL/nreps,"; errPH=",errPH/nreps,"\n")
## errPL= 0.0522 ; errPH= 0.077
## user system elapsed
## 8.150 0.028 8.181
nreps <- 5000 # number of simulated experiments
n <- 10 # number of subjects per group
mupop <- 100 # population mean
sigmapop <- 30 # population sd
alpha <- 0.05 # our chosen alpha level for rejecting H0
# setup grouping variable
grp <- as.factor(c(rep("a",n),rep("b",n),rep("c",n),rep("d",n),rep("e",n)))
errPL <- 0 # type-I errors planned comps
errPH <- 0 # type-I errors chase biggest difference
# ordering of difference tests
gd <- rbind(c(1,2), c(1,3), c(1,4), c(1,5),
c(2,3), c(2,4), c(2,5), c(3,4), c(3,5), c(4,5))
stime <- system.time({
for (i in 1:nreps)
if ( (i %% 1000) == 0 ) {
cat(i, "sims done so far\n")
# randomly sample three groups from same population
g1 <- rnorm(n, mupop, sigmapop);
g2 <- rnorm(n, mupop, sigmapop);
g3 <- rnorm(n, mupop, sigmapop);
g4 <- rnorm(n, mupop, sigmapop);
g5 <- rnorm(n, mupop, sigmapop);
dv <- c(g1,g2,g3,g4,g5)
allg <- cbind(g1,g2,g3,g4,g5)
# perform single factor between subjects anova
aov.mod <- aov(dv ~ grp)
aov.sum <- summary(aov.mod)
p.val <- aov.sum[[1]]$"Pr(>F)"[1] # extract p-value
msw <- aov.sum[[1]]$"Mean Sq"[2] # mean-square within
dfdenom <- aov.sum[[1]]$"Df"[2]
# precompute differences between means
g12 <- mean(g1)-mean(g2)
g13 <- mean(g1)-mean(g3)
g14 <- mean(g1)-mean(g4)
g15 <- mean(g1)-mean(g5)
g23 <- mean(g2)-mean(g3)
g24 <- mean(g2)-mean(g4)
g25 <- mean(g2)-mean(g5)
g34 <- mean(g3)-mean(g4)
g35 <- mean(g3)-mean(g5)
g45 <- mean(g4)-mean(g5)
gdiffs <- c(g12,g13,g14,g15,g23,g24,g25,g34,g35,g45)
# planned comparisons
# always test (g1 vs g2) and (g1 vs g3)
# if omnibus anova is significant
pcomp <- c()
if (p.val < alpha) # if omnibus anova was significant
# test g1 vs g2
Fcomp <- n*((g12)^2) / (2*msw)
pcomp <- pf(Fcomp, 1, dfdenom, lower.tail=FALSE)
# count errors
errPL <- errPL + (pcomp < alpha);
# test g1 vs g3
Fcomp <- n*((g13)^2) / (2*msw)
pcomp <- pf(Fcomp, 1, dfdenom, lower.tail=FALSE)
# count errors
errPL <- errPL + (pcomp < alpha);
# posthoc comparison
# test the two biggest pairwise differences observed
gdiffsS <- sort(abs(gdiffs), decreasing=TRUE, index.return=TRUE)
# choose biggest difference
pcomp <- c()
if (p.val < alpha) # if omnibus anova was significant
# test biggest difference
Fcomp <- n*((gdiffsS$x[1])^2) / (2*msw)
pcomp <- pf(Fcomp, 1, dfdenom, lower.tail=FALSE)
# count errors
errPH <- errPH + (pcomp < (alpha));
# test second biggest difference
Fcomp <- n*((gdiffsS$x[2])^2) / (2*msw)
pcomp <- pf(Fcomp, 1, dfdenom, lower.tail=FALSE)
# count errors
errPH <- errPH + (pcomp < (alpha));
## 1000 sims done so far
## 2000 sims done so far
## 3000 sims done so far
## 4000 sims done so far
## 5000 sims done so far
cat("errPL=",errPL/nreps,"; errPH=",errPH/nreps,"\n")
## errPL= 0.0252 ; errPH= 0.0896
## user system elapsed
## 8.666 0.025 8.695
# some data
Fac <- factor(c(rep("A",5),rep("B",5),rep("C",5)))
DV <- c(2,3,2,4,2,3,2,4,5,4,6,4,4,5,8)
myaov <- anova(lm(DV ~ Fac))
## Analysis of Variance Table
## Response: DV
## Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
## Fac 2 20.133 10.0667 6.1633 0.01441 *
## Residuals 12 19.600 1.6333
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
# perform follow up test comparing individual means
# e.g. B vs C
# First do it using the usual F ratio for comparisons
# this uses the error term from the anova
# get df and error term from anova table
dfnum <- 1 # because we are doing a pairwise test between 2 means
dfdenom <- myaov$Df[2]
mserr <- myaov$"Mean Sq"[2]
n <- 5 # subjects per group
a <- 3 # number of groups
mA <- mean(DV[Fac=="A"]) # mean of A
mB <- mean(DV[Fac=="B"]) # mean of B
mC <- mean(DV[Fac=="C"]) # mean of C
sscomp <- (mB-mC)^2 # ss comparison
(Fcomp <- (n*sscomp/2) / (mserr)) # Fobs for comparison
## [1] 4.959184
(pcomp <- pf(Fcomp, dfnum, dfdenom, lower.tail=FALSE))
## [1] 0.045864
# note this is uncorrected for type-I error
# Let's do a Tukey test
qobs <- sqrt(2*Fcomp) # compute q value
# df for q are (a,(a-1)(n-1))
(pt <- ptukey(q=qobs, nmeans=a, df=(a-1)*(n-1), lower.tail=FALSE))
## [1] 0.1259857
# R can do Tukey tests for us:
(TukeyHSD(aov(DV ~ Fac)))
## Tukey multiple comparisons of means
## 95% family-wise confidence level
## Fit: aov(formula = DV ~ Fac)
## $Fac
## diff lwr upr p adj
## B-A 1.0 -1.1564085 3.156409 0.4551313
## C-A 2.8 0.6435915 4.956409 0.0120491
## C-B 1.8 -0.3564085 3.956409 0.1066773