Cooking a perfect egg

sample solution

from math import log, pi

# set up constants

Msmall = 47.0
Mbig = 67.0
rho = 1.038
c = 3.7
K = 0.0054
Tw = 100.0
Ty = 70.0

whichEgg = bool(input("Is the egg large (1) or small (0)? "))

if (whichEgg == 0):
        M = Msmall
        M = Mbig

print("enter the initial temperature of the egg")
To = float(input("reminder 4.0 for fridge, 20.0 for room: "))

t = (((M**(2.0/3.0))*c*(rho**(1.0/3.0)))/(K*(pi**2)*((4.0*pi/3.0)**(2.0/3.0)))) * log(0.76 * ((To-Tw)/(Ty-Tw)))

t_min = int(t/60.0)
t_sec = round(t % 60)

print(f"The time taken to cook the egg is: {t:.3f} seconds ({t_min:d} minutes, {t_sec:d} seconds)")