Bivariate Linear Regression

Week 3

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Linear Regression

  • geometric interpretation of correlation
  • can be used for prediction
  • a linear model relating one variable to another variable

Examples of correlation

Correlation with Regression lines

What is a regression line?

  • first: it’s a line (we will need the equation)
  • the best fit line
  • how do we determine which line fits best?

Residuals and error

What is a regression line?

  • first: it’s a line (we will need the equation)
  • the best fit line
  • how do we determine which line fits best?

The regression line minimizes the sum of the (squared) residuals

Animated Residuals

regression minimizes the sum of the (squared) residuals

Finding the best fit line

  • how do we find the best fit line?
  • First step, remember what lines are …

Equation for a line

y = mx +b

y = \text{slope}*x + \text{yintercept}

  • y = value on y-axis
  • m = slope of the line
  • x = value on x-axis
  • b = value on y-axis when x = 0

We will also use this form:

y = \beta_{0} + \beta_{1}x

solving for y

  • predicting y based on x

y = .5x + 2

What is the value of y, when x is 0?

y = .5*0 + 2
y = 0+2
y = 2

Finding the best fit line

find m and b for:

Y = mX + b

so that the regression line minimizes the sum of the squared residuals

Finding the best fit line

Y = mX + b

sample data

sample calculations

sample plot

b = -0.221
m = 1.19
Y = (1.19)X - 0.221

Linear Regression in R

x <- c(1,4,3,6,5,7,8)
y <- c(2,5,1,8,6,8,9)
n = 7
(b <- ((sum(y)*sum(x^2)) - (sum(x)*sum(x*y))) / ((n*sum(x^2)) - (sum(x))^2))
[1] -0.2213115
(m = ((n*sum(x*y)) - (sum(x)*sum(y))) / ((n*sum(x^2)) - (sum(x))^2))
[1] 1.192623

Linear Regression in R using lm()

x <- c(1,4,3,6,5,7,8)
y <- c(2,5,1,8,6,8,9)
df <- tibble(x,y)
# A tibble: 7 × 2
      x     y
  <dbl> <dbl>
1     1     2
2     4     5
3     3     1
4     6     8
5     5     6
6     7     8
7     8     9
mymod <- lm(y ~ x, data=df)
(Intercept)           x 
 -0.2213115   1.1926230 

Linear Regression in R using lm()

x <- c(1,4,3,6,5,7,8)
y <- c(2,5,1,8,6,8,9)
df <- tibble(x,y)
# A tibble: 7 × 2
      x     y
  <dbl> <dbl>
1     1     2
2     4     5
3     3     1
4     6     8
5     5     6
6     7     8
7     8     9
library(ggpmisc) # for stat_poly_eq
ggplot(data=df, aes(x=x,y=y)) +
  geom_point(size=4, color="black") +
  geom_smooth(method="lm", se=FALSE, color="blue") + 
  stat_poly_eq(use_label(c("eq")), size=6, color="blue") + 

scatterplot plus regression line

R: intercept and slope

x <- c(55,61,67,83,65,82,70,58,65,61)
y <- c(140,150,152,220,190,195,175,130,155,160)
df <- tibble(x,y)
# A tibble: 10 × 2
       x     y
   <dbl> <dbl>
 1    55   140
 2    61   150
 3    67   152
 4    83   220
 5    65   190
 6    82   195
 7    70   175
 8    58   130
 9    65   155
10    61   160
mymod <- lm(y~x, data=df)
(Intercept)           x 
  -7.176930    2.606851 

Reminders: y-intercept

What does the y-intercept mean?

It is the value where the line crosses the y-axis when x = 0

Reminders: slope

What does the slope mean?

The slope tells you the rate of change.

For every 1 unit of X, Y changes by “slope” amount

E.g., slope = 2.6
then for every 1 unit of X
Y increases by 2.6 units

Regression Equation

Y_{i} = \hat{Y_{i}} + \varepsilon_{i}

\hat{Y}_{i} = \beta_{0} + \beta_{1} X_{i}

  • \hat{Y}_{i} = estimate of the dependent variable Y_{i}
  • \beta_{0} = y-intercept of the regression line
  • \beta_{1} = slope of the regression line
  • X_{i} = i^{\mathrm{th}} value of the independent variable X
  • \varepsilon_{i} = i^{\mathrm{th}} residual of the regression line

Quantifying regression fit: R^{2}

Sum of squared residuals is SS_{res} :
Total variability in Y is SS_{tot} :

SS_{res} = \sum_{i}(Y_{i} - \hat{Y}_{i})^{2}
SS_{tot} = \sum_{i}(Y_{i} - \bar{Y})^{2}

  • Y_{i} are actual values of Y
  • \hat{Y}_{i} are predicted values of Y using the regression line
  • \bar{Y} is the mean Y across all observations Y_{i} for i=1 \dots N

Quantifying regression fit: R^{2}

Sum of squared residuals is SS_{res} :
Total variability in Y is SS_{tot} :

SS_{res} = \sum_{i}(Y_{i} - \hat{Y}_{i})^{2}
SS_{tot} = \sum_{i}(Y_{i} - \bar{Y})^{2}

Coefficient of determination R^{2} :

R^{2} = 1 - \frac{SS_{res}}{SS_{tot}}

R^{2} is the proportion of variance in the outcome variable Y that can be accounted for by the predictor variable X

R^{2} always falls between 0.0 and 1.0

Quantifying regression fit: R^{2}

sum of squared residuals = 1.9
sum of squared total = 82.6
R-squared = 0.98

sum of squared residuals = 46.5
sum of squared total = 120.6
R-squared = 0.61

Quantifying regression fit: R^{2}

  • R^{2} = 0.78
    → 78% of the variance in Y can be accounted for by X
  • R = 0.22
    → only 4.8% (0.22 x 0.22) of the variance in Y can be accounted for by X

Quantifying regression fit: \sigma_{est}

  • \sigma_{est} is the standard error of the estimate
  • \sigma_{est} is a measure of accuracy of predicting Y using X
  • whereas R^{2} is always between 0.0 and 1.0,
    \sigma_{est} is in units of Y, the predicted variable
  • this makes \sigma_{est} a useful measure of model fit

Quantifying regression fit: \sigma_{est}

\sigma_{est} = \sqrt{\frac{\sum(Y-\hat{Y})^{2}}{N}}

  • \sigma_{est} is a measure of accuracy of predicting Y using X
  • \sigma_{est} is in units of Y, the predicted variable

Quantifying regression fit: \sigma_{est}

\sigma_{est} = \sqrt{\frac{\sum(Y-\hat{Y})^{2}}{N}}

  • \sigma_{est} is for a population
  • For a sample the notation is s_{est}

Quantifying regression fit: s_{est}

  • For a sample the notation is s_{est}

s_{est} = \sqrt{\frac{\sum_{i}(Y_{i}-\hat{Y}_{i})^{2}}{N-2}}

  • N-2 because we estimate 2 parameters from our sample (slope and intercept of regression line)

Quantifying regression fit: s_{est}

Y = -7.2 + 2.6 X
R^{2} = 0.772
s_{est} = 14.11 (pounds)


  • predict values of y given:
    • a new value of x
    • the regression equation


  • for a person with height = 75 inches
    → what is their weight?
  • regression equation:
    weight = -7.18 + (2.61 * height)
    weight = -7.18 + (2.61 * 75)
    weight = -7.18 + 195.75
    weight = 188.57 pounds
  • from summary() of our lm() in R:
  • s_{est} = 14.11 pounds


  • for a person with height = 57 inches
    → what is their weight?
  • regression equation:
    weight = -7.18 + (2.61 * height)
    weight = -7.18 + (2.61 * 57)
    weight = -7.18 + 148.77
    weight = 141.59 pounds
  • from summary() of our lm() in R:
  • s_{est} = 14.11 pounds


  • for a person with height = 0 inches
    → what is their weight?
  • regression equation:
    weight = -7.18 + (2.61 * height)
    weight = -7.18 + (2.61 * 0) weight = -7.18 + 0
    weight = -7.18 pounds
  • predictions are only valid within the range of observed data
  • extrapolate at your own risk!

Confidence Intervals

  • another way of characterizing the precision of estimates
    • of model coefficients (slope, intercept)
    • of model prediction (predicted Y given new X)
  • 95% CI

Confidence Intervals

  • let’s first quickly review confidence intervals of the mean of a sample before we talk about confidence intervals of regression coefficients

Confidence Intervals

  • recall* that the 95% CI of the mean of a sample is:

\bar{X} \pm t_{(0.975,N-1)} \left( \frac{s}{\sqrt{N}} \right)

x <- c(55,61,67,83,65,82,70,58,65,61)
N <- length(x)
ci_lower <- mean(x) - (qt(.975,N-1) * (sd(x)/sqrt(N)))
ci_upper <- mean(x) + (qt(.975,N-1) * (sd(x)/sqrt(N)))
[1] 66.7
(c(ci_lower, ci_upper))
[1] 59.98047 73.41953

Confidence Intervals

  • recall* that the 95% CI of the mean of a sample is:

\bar{X} \pm t_{(0.975,N-1)} \left( \frac{s}{\sqrt{N}} \right)

x <- c(55,61,67,83,65,82,70,58,65,61)
library(lsr) # you may need to install this package
ciMean(x, 0.95)
      2.5%    97.5%
x 59.98047 73.41953

Confidence Intervals

  • 95% CI of the mean of our sample is (59.98, 73.42)
  • how to interpret* this?
  • 95% chance the population mean is between 59.95 and 73.42
    → nope … but (subtly) close! → the “95% chance” is a statement about the confidence interval, not about the population mean

Confidence Intervals

  • 95% CI of the mean of our sample is (59.98, 73.42)
  • If we replicated the experiment over and over again, and computed a 95% confidence interval for each replication, then 95% of those confidence intervals would contain the population mean
  • (but we will never know which ones!)

Confidence Intervals

  • recall our regression model:

  • Y = -7.18 + 2.61 X

    • \beta_{0}=-7.18
    • \beta_{1}=2.61
  • we can also compute 95% CIs for coefficients (\beta_{0},\beta_{1})

Confidence Intervals

CI(b) = \hat{b} \pm \left( t_{crit} \times SE(\hat{b}) \right)

  • \hat{b} is each coefficient in the regression model
  • t_{crit} is the critical value of t
  • SE(\hat{b}) is the standard error of the regression coefficient
  • in R it’s easy, use confint():
d <- tibble(x=c(55,61,67,83,65,82,70,58,65,61),
mymod <- lm(y ~ x, data = d)
(Intercept)           x 
  -7.176930    2.606851 
                 2.5 %    97.5 %
(Intercept) -84.898712 70.544852
x             1.451869  3.761832

Confidence Intervals

d <- tibble(x=c(55,61,67,83,65,82,70,58,65,61),
mymod <- lm(y ~ x, data = d)
(Intercept)           x 
  -7.176930    2.606851 
                 2.5 %    97.5 %
(Intercept) -84.898712 70.544852
x             1.451869  3.761832
  • interpretation of regression coefficient CIs is the same:
  • If we were to replicate our sample a bunch of times, by resampling from the population and fitting a new regression model each time, and compute confidence intervals for the regression coefficients each time, then 95% of those CIs would contain the population value of the coefficients.

Hypothesis tests for Regression

→ what is this hypothesis test of?

Hypothesis tests for Regression

  • This is a test of the model “as a whole”*
  • specifically a test of the “full” regression model versus a “restricted” version of the model in which there is no dependence of Y on X
    • (i.e. the slope \beta_{1} is zero)
  • in this way the hypothesis test is essentially a test of whether \beta_{1}=0 or not
  • Y = \beta_{0} + \beta_{1} X : full model (our alternate hypothesis H_{1})
  • Y = \beta_{0} : restricted model (our null hypothesis H_{0})

Hypothesis tests for Regression

  • F test of model as a whole tests full model vs restricted model
  • Y = \beta_{0} + \beta_{1} X : full
  • Y = \beta_{0} : restricted
  • When there is only one dependent variable (X) in the regression model, (and hence only one slope \beta_{1}), then this is equivalent to a test of whether the slope is zero

Hypothesis tests for Regression

  • also: hypothesis tests on model coefficients
  • null hypothesis H_{0}: coefficient = zero
  • alternate hypothesis H_{1}: coefficient is not zero
  • intercept (\beta_{0}): p = 0.836700
  • slope (\beta_{1}): p = 0.000818

Hypothesis tests for Regression

  • intercept (\beta_{0}) = -7.1769
    p = 0.836700
  • slope (\beta_{1}) = 2.6069
    p = 0.000818
  • what do these p-values mean precisely?

Hypothesis tests for Regression

  • intercept (\beta_{0}) = -7.1769
    p = 0.836700

  • Under the null hypothesis H_{0} the probability of obtaining an intercept as large (farthest from zero) as -7.1769 due to random sampling is 83.67%

  • That is pretty high! We cannot really reject H_{0}

  • We cannot reject H_{0} (that the intercept = zero)

  • We infer that the intercept is most likely = zero

Hypothesis tests for Regression

  • slope (\beta_{1}) = 2.6069
    p = 0.000818

  • Under the null hypothesis H_{0} the probability of obtaining a slope as large (farthest from zero) as 2.6069 due to random sampling is 0.0818%

  • That is pretty low! We will reject H_{0} that the slope is zero

  • The slope is not zero. What is it?

  • Our estimate of the slope is \beta_{1} = 2.6069

  • Our 95% confidence interval is [1.451869, 3.761832] from confint()

Assumptions of Linear Regression

  1. Linearity: linear relationship between X and Y
  2. Normality: (nearly) normally distributed residuals
  3. Homoscedasticity: Constant variance of Y across the range of X
  4. Outliers: no extreme outliers
  5. Independence: observations are independent of each other

1. Linearity

  • relationship between the predictor variable (X) and the predicted variable (Y) should be linear
  • check with a scatterplot either of the data or residuals

2. Normality

  • the residuals should be nearly normally distributed
  • can check using a histogram of the residuals:

2. Normality

  • the residuals should be nearly normally distributed
  • can also check using a Q-Q plot:

2. Normality

  • statistical test for normality: shapiro.test() (Shapiro-Wilk test)
  • null hypothesis H_{0}: data are normally distributed
  • alternate hypothesis H_{1}: data are not normally distributed
  • p < .05: reject the null hypothesis
    • conclude data are not normally distributed
  • test the residuals: shapiro.test(residuals(my.mod))

3. Homoscedasticity

  • homogeneity of variance
  • variance of Y is the same across the range of X values
  • plot X vs Y data:

3. Homoscedasticity

  • homogeneity of variance
  • variance of Y is the same across the range of X values
  • or: plot X vs Residuals (Y-\hat{Y})

3. Homoscedasticity

  • statistical test for homoscedasticity: bptest() (Breusch-Pagan test)
  • in the car package: ncvTest() (non-constant variance test)
  • null hypothesis H_{0}: homoscedasticity
  • alternate hypothesis H_{1}: heteroscedasticity
  • p < .05: reject the null hypothesis
    • conclude data are heteroscedastic
  • apply the ncvTest() to the lm() model object: ncvTest(my.mod)

4. Outliers

  • we should not fit our linear model to a dataset that includes extreme outliers

4. Outliers

  • Cook’s distance is one quantitative way of identifying observations that have a disproportionate influence on the regression line
  • see Navarro text section 15.9

Violations: what to do?

  • Linearity: If your data are not linear don’t model it using a linear model! Non-linear methods do exist.
  • Normality: if severe, consider transforming the dependent variable, e.g. using logarithm, square root, Box-Cox transformation, etc.
  • Homoscedasticity: could consider transforming the dependent variable; could also use weighted regression
  • Outliers: remove them!